多重对数函数通俗地讲,就是使得lg(i) * n ≦ 1 的最小i值。在《算法导论》第三章有定义,对我来说是个新鲜玩意儿。
Functional iteration
We use the notation f(i)(n) to denote the function f(n) iteratively applied itimes toan initial
value of n. Formally, let f(n) be a function over the reals.For nonnegative integers i, we
recursively define
For example, if f(n) = 2n, then f(i)(n) = 2in.
The iterated logarithm function
We use the notation lg* n (read "log star of n") to denote the iteratedlogarithm, which is
defined as follows. Let lg(i) n be as defined above, with f(n) = lg n. Because the logarithm of a
nonpositive number is undefined, lg(i) n is defined only if lg(i-1)n > 0. Be sure to distinguish
lg(i) n (the logarithm function applieditimes insuccession, starting with argument n) from lgi
n (the logarithm of n raised to the ith power). The iteratedlogarithm function is defined as
lg* n= min {i= 0: lg(i) n ≤ 1}.
The iterated logarithm is a very slowly growing function:
lg* 2 = 1,
lg* 4 = 2,
lg* 16 = 3,
lg* 65536 = 4,
lg*(265536) = 5.
Since the number of atoms in the observable universe is estimated to beabout 1080, which is
much less than 265536, werarely encounter an input size n such that lg* n > 5.
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