#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define MAX_N 100000 + 16 int a[MAX_N]; pair<int, int> accumulation[MAX_N]; // sum <-> index // 更新答案 int get_sum(int& result, const int& l, const int& r, const int& t, int& from, int& to) { if (l >= r) { return INT_MIN; // 不合法,终止 } int sum = accumulation[r].first - accumulation[l].first; if (abs(t - sum) < abs(t - result)) // 顺便记录一下可能的答案 { result = sum; from = min(accumulation[l].second, accumulation[r].second); to = max(accumulation[l].second, accumulation[r].second); } return sum; } ///////////////////////////SubMain////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin); freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout); #endif int n, k; while (cin >> n >> k && n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cin >> a[i]; } accumulation[0] = make_pair(0, 0); // 多留一个,待会儿免得下标跟答案对不上 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { accumulation[i + 1] = make_pair(accumulation[i].first + a[i], i + 1); } sort(accumulation, accumulation + n + 1); while (k--) { int t; cin >> t; // 输入结束 int l = 0, r = 0, sum = 0x80808080, from, to, result = 0x80808080; for (;;) { while (r < n && sum < t) { sum = get_sum(result, l, ++r, t, from, to); // ++r 头部前进 } if (sum < t) { break; } sum = get_sum(result, ++l, r, t, from, to); // ++l 尾部前进 } cout << result << ' ' << from + 1 << ' ' << to << endl; } } #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); system("out.txt"); #endif return 0; } ///////////////////////////End Sub//////////////////////////////////
12873335 | hankcs | 2566 | Accepted | 1420K | 266MS | C++ | 1731B | 2014-05-14 01:53:02 |
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