众所周知,enum类型实例数量是固定的,甚至还被用来设计单例。但有时候仍然存在需要动态增加Enum实例的场景,这也并非一定是设计失败,也可能是增加灵活性的实际需求,比如一些web框架,再比如HanLP 中的动态用户自定义词性。然而最大的障碍是switch语句生成的虚构类,本文参考Java Specialists第161期,提供一份可用的解决方案与实例代码。
public enum HumanState { HAPPY, SAD }
public class Human { public void sing(HumanState state) { switch (state) { case HAPPY: singHappySong(); break; case SAD: singDirge(); break; default: new IllegalStateException("Invalid State: " + state); } } private void singHappySong() { System.out.println("When you're happy and you know it ..."); } private void singDirge() { System.out.println("Don't cry for me Argentina, ..."); } }
问题在哪里?如果你使用Intelij IDEA的话,你大概会得到一个友好的提示:
Constructor cstr = HumanState.class.getDeclaredConstructor( String.class, int.class ); ReflectionFactory reflection = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory(); HumanState e = (HumanState) reflection.newConstructorAccessor(cstr).newInstance(new Object[]{"ANGRY", 3}); System.out.printf("%s = %d\n", e.toString(), e.ordinal()); Human human = new Human(); human.sing(e);
ANGRY = 3 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3 at com.hankcs.Human.sing(Human.java:21) at com.hankcs.FireArrayIndexException.main(FireArrayIndexException.java:36) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483) at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(AppMain.java:144)
switch (state)
public class Human { public Human() { } public void sing(HumanState state) { class Human$1 { static { try { $SwitchMap$com$hankcs$HumanState[HumanState.HAPPY.ordinal()] = 1; } catch (NoSuchFieldError var2) { ; } try { $SwitchMap$com$hankcs$HumanState[HumanState.SAD.ordinal()] = 2; } catch (NoSuchFieldError var1) { ; } } } switch(Human$1.$SwitchMap$com$hankcs$HumanState[state.ordinal()]) { case 1: this.singHappySong(); break; case 2: this.singDirge(); break; default: new IllegalStateException("Invalid State: " + state); } } private void singHappySong() { System.out.println("When you\'re happy and you know it ..."); } private void singDirge() { System.out.println("Don\'t cry for me Argentina, ..."); } }
修改final static域
/** * 修改final static域的反射工具 * @author hankcs */ public class ReflectionHelper { private static final String MODIFIERS_FIELD = "modifiers"; private static final ReflectionFactory reflection = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory(); public static void setStaticFinalField( Field field, Object value) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { // 获得 public 权限 field.setAccessible(true); // 将modifiers域设为非final,这样就可以修改了 Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField(MODIFIERS_FIELD); modifiersField.setAccessible(true); int modifiers = modifiersField.getInt(field); // 去掉 final 标志位 modifiers &= ~Modifier.FINAL; modifiersField.setInt(field, modifiers); FieldAccessor fa = reflection.newFieldAccessor( field, false ); fa.set(null, value); } }
package com.hankcs; import sun.reflect.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; /** * 动态修改Enum的对象 * @param <E> */ public class EnumBuster<E extends Enum<E>> { private static final Class[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class[0]; private static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object[0]; private static final String VALUES_FIELD = "$VALUES"; private static final String ORDINAL_FIELD = "ordinal"; private final ReflectionFactory reflection = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory(); private final Class<E> clazz; private final Collection<Field> switchFields; private final Deque<Memento> undoStack = new LinkedList<Memento>(); /** * Construct an EnumBuster for the given enum class and keep * the switch statements of the classes specified in * switchUsers in sync with the enum values. */ public EnumBuster(Class<E> clazz, Class... switchUsers) { try { this.clazz = clazz; switchFields = findRelatedSwitchFields(switchUsers); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not create the class", e); } } /** * Make a new enum instance, without adding it to the values * array and using the default ordinal of 0. */ public E make(String value) { return make(value, 0, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY, EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); } /** * Make a new enum instance with the given ordinal. */ public E make(String value, int ordinal) { return make(value, ordinal, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY, EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); } /** * Make a new enum instance with the given value, ordinal and * additional parameters. The additionalTypes is used to match * the constructor accurately. */ public E make(String value, int ordinal, Class[] additionalTypes, Object[] additional) { try { undoStack.push(new Memento()); ConstructorAccessor ca = findConstructorAccessor( additionalTypes, clazz); return constructEnum(clazz, ca, value, ordinal, additional); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not create enum", e); } } /** * This method adds the given enum into the array * inside the enum class. If the enum already * contains that particular value, then the value * is overwritten with our enum. Otherwise it is * added at the end of the array. * <p/> * In addition, if there is a constant field in the * enum class pointing to an enum with our value, * then we replace that with our enum instance. * <p/> * The ordinal is either set to the existing position * or to the last value. * <p/> * Warning: This should probably never be called, * since it can cause permanent changes to the enum * values. Use only in extreme conditions. * * @param e the enum to add */ public void addByValue(E e) { try { undoStack.push(new Memento()); Field valuesField = findValuesField(); // we get the current Enum[] E[] values = values(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { E value = values[i]; if (value.name().equals(e.name())) { setOrdinal(e, value.ordinal()); values[i] = e; replaceConstant(e); return; } } // we did not find it in the existing array, thus // append it to the array E[] newValues = Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length + 1); newValues[newValues.length - 1] = e; ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField( valuesField, newValues); int ordinal = newValues.length - 1; setOrdinal(e, ordinal); addSwitchCase(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not set the enum", ex); } } /** * We delete the enum from the values array and set the * constant pointer to null. * * @param e the enum to delete from the type. * @return true if the enum was found and deleted; * false otherwise */ public boolean deleteByValue(E e) { if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException(); try { undoStack.push(new Memento()); // we get the current E[] E[] values = values(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { E value = values[i]; if (value.name().equals(e.name())) { E[] newValues = Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length - 1); System.arraycopy(values, i + 1, newValues, i, values.length - i - 1); for (int j = i; j < newValues.length; j++) { setOrdinal(newValues[j], j); } Field valuesField = findValuesField(); ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField( valuesField, newValues); removeSwitchCase(i); blankOutConstant(e); return true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not set the enum", ex); } return false; } /** * Undo the state right back to the beginning when the * EnumBuster was created. */ public void restore() { while (undo()) { // } } /** * Undo the previous operation. */ public boolean undo() { try { Memento memento = undoStack.poll(); if (memento == null) return false; memento.undo(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not undo", e); } } private ConstructorAccessor findConstructorAccessor( Class[] additionalParameterTypes, Class<E> clazz) throws NoSuchMethodException { Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[additionalParameterTypes.length + 2]; parameterTypes[0] = String.class; parameterTypes[1] = int.class; System.arraycopy( additionalParameterTypes, 0, parameterTypes, 2, additionalParameterTypes.length); Constructor<E> cstr = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor( parameterTypes ); return reflection.newConstructorAccessor(cstr); } private E constructEnum(Class<E> clazz, ConstructorAccessor ca, String value, int ordinal, Object[] additional) throws Exception { Object[] parms = new Object[additional.length + 2]; parms[0] = value; parms[1] = ordinal; System.arraycopy( additional, 0, parms, 2, additional.length); return clazz.cast(ca.newInstance(parms)); } /** * The only time we ever add a new enum is at the end. * Thus all we need to do is expand the switch map arrays * by one empty slot. */ private void addSwitchCase() { try { for (Field switchField : switchFields) { int[] switches = (int[]) switchField.get(null); switches = Arrays.copyOf(switches, switches.length + 1); ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField( switchField, switches ); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not fix switch", e); } } private void replaceConstant(E e) throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException { Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if (field.getName().equals(e.name())) { ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField( field, e ); } } } private void blankOutConstant(E e) throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException { Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if (field.getName().equals(e.name())) { ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField( field, null ); } } } private void setOrdinal(E e, int ordinal) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { Field ordinalField = Enum.class.getDeclaredField( ORDINAL_FIELD); ordinalField.setAccessible(true); ordinalField.set(e, ordinal); } /** * Method to find the values field, set it to be accessible, * and return it. * * @return the values array field for the enum. * @throws NoSuchFieldException if the field could not be found */ private Field findValuesField() throws NoSuchFieldException { // first we find the static final array that holds // the values in the enum class Field valuesField = clazz.getDeclaredField( VALUES_FIELD); // we mark it to be public valuesField.setAccessible(true); return valuesField; } private Collection<Field> findRelatedSwitchFields( Class[] switchUsers) { Collection<Field> result = new LinkedList<Field>(); try { for (Class switchUser : switchUsers) { String name = switchUser.getName(); int i = 0; while (true) { try { Class suspect = Class.forName(String.format("%s$%d", name, ++i)); Field[] fields = suspect.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { String fieldName = field.getName(); if (fieldName.startsWith("$SwitchMap$") && fieldName.endsWith(clazz.getSimpleName())) { field.setAccessible(true); result.add(field); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not fix switch", e); } return result; } private void removeSwitchCase(int ordinal) { try { for (Field switchField : switchFields) { int[] switches = (int[]) switchField.get(null); int[] newSwitches = Arrays.copyOf( switches, switches.length - 1); System.arraycopy(switches, ordinal + 1, newSwitches, ordinal, switches.length - ordinal - 1); ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField( switchField, newSwitches ); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not fix switch", e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private E[] values() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { Field valuesField = findValuesField(); return (E[]) valuesField.get(null); } private class Memento { private final E[] values; private final Map<Field, int[]> savedSwitchFieldValues = new HashMap<Field, int[]>(); private Memento() throws IllegalAccessException { try { values = values().clone(); for (Field switchField : switchFields) { int[] switchArray = (int[]) switchField.get(null); savedSwitchFieldValues.put(switchField, switchArray.clone()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not create the class", e); } } private void undo() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { Field valuesField = findValuesField(); ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField(valuesField, values); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { setOrdinal(values[i], i); } // reset all of the constants defined inside the enum Map<String, E> valuesMap = new HashMap<String, E>(); for (E e : values) { valuesMap.put(e.name(), e); } Field[] constantEnumFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field constantEnumField : constantEnumFields) { E en = valuesMap.get(constantEnumField.getName()); if (en != null) { ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField( constantEnumField, en ); } } for (Map.Entry<Field, int[]> entry : savedSwitchFieldValues.entrySet()) { Field field = entry.getKey(); int[] mappings = entry.getValue(); ReflectionHelper.setStaticFinalField(field, mappings); } } } }
EnumBuster<HumanState> buster = new EnumBuster<HumanState>(HumanState.class, Human.class); HumanState ANGRY = buster.make("ANGRY"); buster.addByValue(ANGRY); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(HumanState.values())); Human human = new Human(); human.sing(ANGRY);