package com.hankcs; import iweb2.ch2.clicks.UserClick; import iweb2.ch2.clicks.UserQuery; import iweb2.ch2.shell.FetchAndProcessCrawler; import iweb2.ch2.shell.LuceneIndexer; import iweb2.ch2.shell.MySearcher; import iweb2.ch2.shell.PageRank; import iweb2.ch5.classification.bayes.NaiveBayes; import iweb2.ch5.classification.core.TrainingSet; /** * @author hankcs */ public class ch2_4_UserClicks { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //=========================================================================================== // // -- Data (Business news URLs and 3 spam pages) // FetchAndProcessCrawler crawler = new FetchAndProcessCrawler("C:/iWeb2/data/ch02",5,200); crawler.setUrls("biz"); crawler.addUrl("file:///c:/iWeb2/data/ch02/spam-biz-01.html"); crawler.addUrl("file:///c:/iWeb2/data/ch02/spam-biz-02.html"); crawler.addUrl("file:///c:/iWeb2/data/ch02/spam-biz-03.html"); // or use ALL the pages // crawler.setAllUrls(); crawler.run(); // // -- Lucene // LuceneIndexer luceneIndexer = new LuceneIndexer(crawler.getRootDir()); luceneIndexer.run(); MySearcher oracle = new MySearcher(luceneIndexer.getLuceneDir()); // // -- PageRank // PageRank pageRank = new PageRank(crawler.getCrawlData()); pageRank.setAlpha(0.9); pageRank.setEpsilon(0.00000001); pageRank.build(); // // -- Load the user clicks // // 捕获用户点击 UserClick aux = new UserClick(); // 载入训练实例 UserClick[] clicks = (UserClick[]) aux.load("C:/iWeb2/data/ch02/user-clicks.csv"); // 创建训练集 TrainingSet tSet = new TrainingSet(clicks); // // -- Create the classifier and train it // // 定义分类器 NaiveBayes naiveBayes = new NaiveBayes("Naive Bayes", tSet); naiveBayes.trainOnAttribute("UserName"); naiveBayes.trainOnAttribute("QueryTerm_1"); naiveBayes.trainOnAttribute("QueryTerm_2"); naiveBayes.train(); oracle.setUserLearner(naiveBayes); // // -- Combined ranking // UserQuery dmitryQuery = new UserQuery("dmitry","google ads"); oracle.search(dmitryQuery,5,pageRank); UserQuery babisQuery = new UserQuery("babis","google ads"); oracle.search(babisQuery,5,pageRank); } }
顺带一提,从Google Code检出的配书源码有一处错误,贝叶斯分类器的关注属性设置有误,会导致训练无效。
假如用户"dmitry"搜索"google ads",那么这次搜索被分类器分为三个属性:
dmitry google ads
/** * 已知用户想要的的是c,用户查询i的概率 * @param i * @param c * @return */ public double getProbability(Instance i, Concept c) { double cP = 1; // 遍历实例的每个属性 for (Attribute a : i.getAtrributes()) { // 如果是训练集要用到这个属性 if (a != null && attributeList.contains(a.getName())) { Map<Attribute, AttributeValue> aMap = p.get(c); AttributeValue aV = aMap.get(a); if (aV == null) { // the specific attribute value is not present for the current concept. // Can you justify the following estimate? // Can you think of a better choice? // 从来没有观察到的概念 cP *= ((double) 1 / (tSet.getSize() + 1)); } else { // 实例i的似然率等于观测到各个属性的概率的乘积 // 一个属性的概率=属性出现的次数/训练集中概念的实例数量 cP *= (aV.getCount() / conceptPriors.get(c)); } } } return (cP == 1) ? (double) 1 / tSet.getNumberOfConcepts() : cP; }
/** * 获取c的先验概率,根据训练集中该概念出现的次数取得 * @param c * @return */ public double getProbability(Concept c) { Double trInstanceCount = conceptPriors.get(c); if (trInstanceCount == null) { trInstanceCount = 0.0; } return trInstanceCount / tSet.getSize(); }
/** * 获取观察到实例i的概率 This method calculates the denumerator of Bayes theorem * @param i * @return the probability of observing <CODE>Instance</CODE> i */ public double getProbability(Instance i) { double cP = 0; for (Concept c : getTset().getConceptSet()) { cP += getProbability(i, c) * getProbability(c); } return (cP == 0) ? (double) 1 / tSet.getSize() : cP; }
double indexScore = docResults[i].getScore(); double pageRankScore = pR.getPageRank(url); BaseConcept bC = new BaseConcept(url); // 创建一个实例,对应着文件名 double userClickScore = learner.getProbability(bC, uClick); // 打印出来看看 System.out.println(uQuery.getUid() + " click " + url + " -> " + userClickScore); // Create the final score double hScore; if (userClickScore == 0) // 计算最终(混合)分数 { hScore = indexScore * pageRankScore * EPSILON; } else { hScore = indexScore * pageRankScore * userClickScore; } // Update the score of the results docResults[i].setScore(hScore);
所以您修正過的部分是哪邊呢? 在下才疏學淺,能否明示一二?