原书译为“鲁棒的链接型聚类”,这个“鲁棒”真的太绅(henn)士(tai)了。我查了下,“鲁棒”来源于英文“Robust”,意为“强健的,稳固的,耐用的,粗野的,浓的”等。“Robustness”的一般含义是“强度, 坚固性”。我还是接受维基百科的翻译,译作“健壮”的比较好。
4.5.1 ROCK简介
package com.hankcs; import iweb2.ch4.clustering.hierarchical.Dendrogram; import iweb2.ch4.clustering.rock.ROCKAlgorithm; import iweb2.ch4.data.MyDiggSpaceData; import iweb2.ch4.data.MyDiggSpaceDataset; import iweb2.ch4.model.DataPoint; public class ch4_4_Rock { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // 加载Digg新闻,只是用前15条 MyDiggSpaceDataset ds = MyDiggSpaceData.createDataset(15); DataPoint[] dps = ds.getData(); // 初始化ROCK,寻找5个聚类 ROCKAlgorithm rock = new ROCKAlgorithm(dps, 5, 0.2); Dendrogram dnd = rock.cluster(); dnd.print(21); } }
From file: C:/iWeb2/data/ch04/ch4_digg_stories.csv Loaded 10 users. Loaded 48 stories (items). Number of clusters: 23 Clusters for: level=21, Goodness=1.044451296741812 ____________________________________________________________ {5619782:Lack Of Democracy on Digg and Wikipedia?, 5611165:Lack Of Democracy on Digg and Wikipedia?} ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ {5598008:The Confederacy's Special Agent, 5613383:The Confederacy's Special Agent, 5613380:The Confederacy's Special Agent, 5142233:The Confederacy's Special Agent, 5620839:The Confederacy's Special Agent, 5586183:The Confederacy's Special Agent, 5610584:The Confederacy's Special Agent} ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ {5571841:Lack Of Democracy on Digg and Wikipedia?, 5543643:Lack Of Democracy on Digg and Wikipedia?} ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ {5585930:Microsoft, The Jekyll And Hyde Of Companies, 5524441:Microsoft, The Jekyll And Hyde Of Companies, 5609070:Microsoft, The Jekyll And Hyde Of Companies, 5618201:Microsoft, The Jekyll And Hyde Of Companies, 5620878:Microsoft, The Jekyll And Hyde Of Companies, 5609797:Microsoft, The Jekyll And Hyde Of Companies} ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ {5608052:Contract Free on AT&T, 5620493:Contract Free on AT&T, 5621623:Contract Free on AT&T, 4955184:Contract Free on AT&T, 5594161:Contract Free on AT&T} ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ {5607788:Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican -- part I, 5592940:Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican -- part II, 5618262:Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican -- part III, 5595841:Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican --- part IV} ____________________________________________________________
可见聚类是成功的,类似part I等等的相似文章被归入同一类。
4.5.2 为什么ROCK这么强大?
package iweb2.ch4.clustering.rock; import iweb2.ch4.clustering.hierarchical.Dendrogram; import iweb2.ch4.model.Cluster; import iweb2.ch4.model.DataPoint; import iweb2.ch4.similarity.JaccardCoefficient; import iweb2.ch4.similarity.SimilarityMeasure; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ROCKAlgorithm { private DataPoint[] points; private int k; private double th; /** * 相似度矩阵 */ private SimilarityMeasure similarityMeasure; /** * 链接矩阵 */ private LinkMatrix linkMatrix; /** * * @param points 要聚类的数据点 * @param k 聚类的最小数量 * @param th 创建链接的阀值 */ public ROCKAlgorithm(DataPoint[] points, int k, double th) { this.points = points; this.k = k; this.th = th; this.similarityMeasure = new JaccardCoefficient(); //this.similarityMeasure = new CosineSimilarity(); this.linkMatrix = new LinkMatrix(points, similarityMeasure, th); } /** * 聚类 * @return 树状图 */ public Dendrogram cluster() { // Create a new cluster out of every point. // 初始化,为每个数据点创建一个新的聚类 List<Cluster> initialClusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>(); for (int i = 0, n = points.length; i < n; i++) { Cluster cluster = new Cluster(points[i]); initialClusters.add(cluster); } double g = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Dendrogram dnd = new Dendrogram("Goodness"); dnd.addLevel(String.valueOf(g), initialClusters); // 创建一个度量值,判断两个聚类是否应该合并,度量值越大就越应该合并 MergeGoodnessMeasure goodnessMeasure = new MergeGoodnessMeasure(th); // 封装了所有根据度量值识别最佳聚类所需的数据和算法 ROCKClusters allClusters = new ROCKClusters(initialClusters, linkMatrix, goodnessMeasure); int nClusters = allClusters.size(); while (nClusters > k) // 如果聚类数量等于所需的数量则终止 { int nClustersBeforeMerge = nClusters; g = allClusters.mergeBestCandidates(); nClusters = allClusters.size(); if (nClusters == nClustersBeforeMerge) { // there are no linked clusters to merge // 前后两次迭代中聚类的数量没有变化,终止 break; } dnd.addLevel(String.valueOf(g), allClusters.getAllClusters()); } System.out.println("Number of clusters: " + allClusters.getAllClusters().size()); return dnd; } public static void main(String[] args) { //Define data DataPoint[] elements = new DataPoint[4]; elements[0] = new DataPoint("Doc1", new String[]{"book"}); elements[1] = new DataPoint("Doc2", new String[]{"water", "sun", "sand", "swim"}); elements[2] = new DataPoint("Doc3", new String[]{"water", "sun", "swim", "read"}); elements[3] = new DataPoint("Doc4", new String[]{"read", "sand"}); int k = 1; double th = 0.2; ROCKAlgorithm rock = new ROCKAlgorithm(elements, k, th); Dendrogram dnd = rock.cluster(); dnd.printAll(); } public int getK() { return k; } public double getTh() { return th; } public SimilarityMeasure getSimilarityMeasure() { return similarityMeasure; } public LinkMatrix getLinkMatrix() { return linkMatrix; } }
MergeGoodnessMeasure封装了评判聚类优劣的依据,它要防止的前车之鉴是“连锁效应”(两个很近的点导致两个聚类合并)。为了实现这个目标,ROCK算法使用了链接。链接指的是,两个点具有共同邻居则它们之间有链接。MergeGoodnessMeasure评判是否应当聚类的依据是,两个聚类中数据点之间的链接数量,具体说来,聚合的好坏程度,等于X、Y之间的链接数量 / X、Y期望的链接数量的积。为何使用这么复杂的公式的原因是,要消除“某个别的点之间的链接数量很大导致XY之间链接数量很大”的连锁效应。
package iweb2.ch4.clustering.rock; /** * Goodness measure for merging two clusters. * 评判最优聚类的依据 */ public class MergeGoodnessMeasure { /** * Threshold value that was used to identify neighbors among points. * 识别邻居的阀值 */ private double linkThreshold; /** * Intermediate value that is used in calculation of goodness measure * and stays the same for different clusters. * 在最优聚类计算过程中保持不变的中间值 */ private double p; public MergeGoodnessMeasure(double th) { this.linkThreshold = th; this.p = 1.0 + 2.0 * f(th); } /** * * @param nLinks 聚类X、Y之间的链接数量 * @param nX X中数据点的数量 * @param nY Y中数据点的数量 * @return 聚合的好坏程度,等于X、Y之间的链接数量 / X、Y期望的链接数量的积 */ public double g(int nLinks, int nX, int nY) { double a = Math.pow(nX + nY, p); // 估计X和Y中的链接总数 double b = Math.pow(nX, p); double c = Math.pow(nY, p); return nLinks / (a - b - c); } /** * 计算中间值 * @param th 阀值 * @return 中间值 */ private double f(double th) { /* * This implementation assumes that linkThreshold was a threshold for * similarity measure (as opposed to dissimilarity/distance). */ return (1.0 - th) / (1.0 + th); } /** * @return the linkThreshold */ public double getTh() { return linkThreshold; } public void setTh(double th) { this.linkThreshold = th; } }
ROCKClusters 从所有度量值中找出最大值,并且合并它对应的两个聚类,ROCKAlgorithm不断重复这一操作直至聚类的数量满足要求。