>> size(data.training.inputs) ans = 256 1000
class FFNeuralNet: """Implements Feedforward Neural Network from Assignment 3 trained with Backpropagation. """ def __init__(self, training_iters, validation_data, wd_coeff=None, lr_net=0.02, n_hid=300, n_classes=10, n_input_units=256, train_momentum=0.9, mini_batch_size=100, early_stopping=False): """Initialize neural network. Args: training_iters (int) : number of training iterations validation_data (dict) : contains 'inputs' and 'targets' data matrices wd_coeff (float) : weight decay coefficient lr_net (float) : learning rate for neural net classifier n_hid (int) : number of hidden units n_classes (int) : number of classes train_momentum (float) : momentum used in training mini_batch_size (int) : size of training batches early_stopping (bool) : saves model at validation error minimum """ self.n_classes = n_classes self.wd_coeff = wd_coeff self.batch_size = mini_batch_size self.lr_net = lr_net self.n_iterations = training_iters self.train_momentum = train_momentum self.early_stopping = early_stopping self.validation_data = validation_data # used for early stopping # model result params self.training_data_losses = [] self.validation_data_losses = [] # Model params # We don't use random initialization, for this assignment. This way, everybody will get the same results. self.n_params = (n_input_units + n_classes) * n_hid theta = np.transpose(np.column_stack(np.cos(range(self.n_params)))) * 0.1 if self.n_params else np.array([]) self.model = self.theta_to_model(theta) self.theta = self.model_to_theta(self.model) assert_array_equal(theta.flatten(), self.theta) self.momentum_speed = self.theta * 0.0
self.n_params = (n_input_units + n_classes) * n_hid
theta = np.transpose(np.column_stack(np.cos(range(self.n_params)))) * 0.1 if self.n_params else np.array([])
cos(0:10) ans = 1.0000 0.5403 -0.4161 -0.9900 -0.6536 0.2837 0.9602 0.7539 -0.1455 -0.9111 -0.8391
@staticmethod def model_to_theta(model): """Takes a model (or gradient in model form), and turns it into one long vector. See also theta_to_model.""" model_copy = copy.deepcopy(model) return np.hstack((model_copy['inputToHid'].flatten(), model_copy['hidToClass'].flatten())) @staticmethod def theta_to_model(theta): """Takes a model (or gradient) in the form of one long vector (maybe produced by model_to_theta), and restores it to the structure format, i.e. with fields .input_to_hid and .hid_to_class, both matrices. """ n_hid = np.size(theta, 0) / (NUM_INPUT_UNITS + NUM_CLASSES) return {'inputToHid': np.reshape(theta[:NUM_INPUT_UNITS * n_hid], (n_hid, NUM_INPUT_UNITS)), 'hidToClass': np.reshape(theta[NUM_INPUT_UNITS * n_hid: np.size(theta, 0)], (NUM_CLASSES, n_hid))}
def train(self, sequences): """Implements optimize(..) from assignment. This trains using gradient descent with momentum. Args: model_shape (tuple) : is the shape of the array of weights. gradient_function : a function that takes parameters <model> and <data> and returns the gradient (or approximate gradient in the case of CD-1) of the function that we're maximizing. Note the contrast with the loss function that we saw in PA3, which we were minimizing. The returned gradient is an array of the same shape as the provided <model> parameter. Returns: (numpy.array) : matrix of weights of the trained model (hid_to_class) """ self.reset_classifier() if self.early_stopping: best_so_far = dict() best_so_far['theta'] = None best_so_far['validationLoss'] = np.inf best_so_far['afterNIters'] = None n_training_cases = np.size(sequences['inputs'], 1) for i in xrange(self.n_iterations): training_batch_start = (i * self.batch_size) % n_training_cases training_batch_x = sequences['inputs'][:, training_batch_start: training_batch_start + self.batch_size] training_batch_y = sequences['targets'][:, training_batch_start: training_batch_start + self.batch_size] self.fit(training_batch_x, training_batch_y) self.momentum_speed = self.momentum_speed * self.train_momentum - self.gradient self.theta += self.momentum_speed * self.lr_net self.model = self.theta_to_model(self.theta) self.training_data_losses += [self.loss(sequences)] self.validation_data_losses += [self.loss(self.validation_data)] if self.early_stopping and self.validation_data_losses[-1] < best_so_far['validationLoss']: best_so_far['theta'] = copy.deepcopy(self.theta) # deepcopy avoids memory reference bug best_so_far['validationLoss'] = self.validation_data_losses[-1] best_so_far['afterNIters'] = i if np.mod(i, round(self.n_iterations / float(self.n_classes))) == 0: print 'After {0} optimization iterations, training data loss is {1}, and validation data ' \ 'loss is {2}'.format(i, self.training_data_losses[-1], self.validation_data_losses[-1]) # check gradient again, this time with more typical parameters and with a different data size if i == self.n_iterations: print 'Now testing the gradient on just a mini-batch instead of the whole training set... ' training_batch = {'inputs': training_batch_x, 'targets': training_batch_y} self.test_gradient(training_batch) if self.early_stopping: print 'Early stopping: validation loss was lowest after {0} iterations. ' \ 'We chose the model that we had then.'.format(best_so_far['afterNIters']) self.theta = copy.deepcopy(best_so_far['theta']) # deepcopy avoids memory reference bug
def reset_classifier(self): """Resets the model parameters. """ theta = np.transpose(np.column_stack(np.cos(range(self.n_params)))) * 0.1 if self.n_params else np.array([]) self.model = self.theta_to_model(theta) self.theta = self.model_to_theta(self.model) self.momentum_speed = self.theta * 0.0
def fit(self, X, y): """Fit a model using Classification gradient descent. """ self._d_loss_by_d_model(inputs=X, targets=y) return self
def _d_loss_by_d_model(self, inputs, targets): """Compute derivative of loss. Args: data (dict): - 'inputs' is a matrix of size <number of inputs i.e. NUM_INPUT_UNITS> by <number of data cases> - 'targets' is a matrix of size <number of classes i.e. NUM_CLASSES> by <number of data cases> Returns: dict: The returned object is supposed to be exactly like parameter <model>, i.e. it has fields ret['inputToHid'] and ret['hidToClass']. However, the contents of those matrices are gradients (d loss by d model parameter), instead of model parameters. """ ret_model = dict() # First, feed forward the values, capture the weight input's (class_input and hid_input) and # activations (class_output and hid_output) at every layer. hid_input = np.dot(self.model['inputToHid'], inputs) hid_output = logistic(hid_input) class_input = np.dot(self.model['hidToClass'], hid_output) class_prob = np.exp(self.predict_log_proba(class_input)) # Now, back propagate. Compute the delta error (error_deriv) for the output layer (the third layer). error_deriv = class_prob - targets # Compute the gradient for the output layer across all training examples then divide # across the training set size for each weight gradient. hid_to_output_weights_gradient = np.dot(hid_output, error_deriv.T) / float(np.size(hid_output, axis=1)) ret_model['hidToClass'] = hid_to_output_weights_gradient.T # Compute the delta error (backpropagate_error_deriv) for the hidden layer. backpropagate_error_deriv = np.dot(self.model['hidToClass'].T, error_deriv) # Compute the gradient for the hidden layer across all training examples then divide # across the training set size for each weight gradient. input_to_hidden_weights_gradient = np.dot(inputs, ((1.0 - hid_output) * hid_output * backpropagate_error_deriv).T) / float(np.size(hid_output, axis=1)) ret_model['inputToHid'] = input_to_hidden_weights_gradient.T # Add in the weight decay. ret_model['inputToHid'] += self.model['inputToHid'] * self.wd_coeff ret_model['hidToClass'] += self.model['hidToClass'] * self.wd_coeff self.gradient = self.model_to_theta(ret_model)
def predict_log_proba(self, class_input): """Predicts log probability of each class given class inputs Notes: * log(sum(exp of class_input)) is what we subtract to get properly normalized log class probabilities. Args: class_input (numpy.array) : probability of each class (see predict_sequences_proba(..)) (size: <1> by <number of data cases>) Returns: (numpy.array) : log probability of each class. """ class_normalizer = log_sum_exp_over_rows(class_input) return class_input - np.tile(class_normalizer, (np.size(class_input, 0), 1))
h_\theta(x) =
P(y = 1 | x; \theta) \\
P(y = 2 | x; \theta) \\
\vdots \\
P(y = K | x; \theta)
\frac{1}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K}{\exp(\theta^{(j)\top} x) }}
\exp(\theta^{(1)\top} x ) \\
\exp(\theta^{(2)\top} x ) \\
\vdots \\
\exp(\theta^{(K)\top} x ) \\
J(\theta) &= - \left[ \sum_{i=1}^m (1-y^{(i)}) \log (1-h_\theta(x^{(i)})) + y^{(i)} \log h_\theta(x^{(i)}) \right] \\
&= - \left[ \sum_{i=1}^{m} \sum_{k=0}^{1} 1\left\{y^{(i)} = k\right\} \log P(y^{(i)} = k | x^{(i)} ; \theta) \right]
导数之类的看http://www.hankcs.com/ml/programming-exercise-2-logistic-regression-cs229.html 吧,老生常谈了。
梯度有了,将历史速度乘以动量,减去梯度,乘以学习率应用到权值上去。注意这里的动量法与斯坦福系的稍有不同:http://www.hankcs.com/ml/sgd-cnn.html#h3-2 。
self.momentum_speed = self.momentum_speed * self.train_momentum - self.gradient self.theta += self.momentum_speed * self.lr_net self.model = self.theta_to_model(self.theta)
learning_rates = [0.002, 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 1.0, 5.0, 20.0] momentums = [0.0, 0.9] for momentum in momentums: for learning_rate in learning_rates: print "Momentum and learning rate are ({0}, {1})".format(momentum, learning_rate) a3.a3_main(0, n_hid=10, n_iterations=70, lr_net=learning_rate, train_momentum=momentum, early_stopping=False, mini_batch_size=4) print
a3.a3_main(0, n_hid=200, n_iterations=1000, lr_net=0.35, train_momentum=0.9, early_stopping=False, mini_batch_size=100)
early stopping
a3.a3_main(0, n_hid=200, n_iterations=1000, lr_net=0.35, train_momentum=0.9, early_stopping=True, mini_batch_size=100)
Early stopping: validation loss was lowest after 160 iterations. We chose the model that we had then.
另一个正则手段是惩罚大权值,关闭early stopping,打开权值惩罚:
for decay in [0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 1., 5]: print decay a3.a3_main(decay, n_hid=200, n_iterations=1000, lr_net=0.35, train_momentum=0.9, early_stopping=False, mini_batch_size=100) print
After 900 optimization iterations, training data loss is 0.0483611028484, and validation data loss is 0.391353957494 The loss on the test data is 0.40910395955 The classification loss (i.e. without weight decay) on the test data is 0.369096931752 The classification error rate on the test data is 0.0907777777778 The loss on the training data is 0.00756094647265 The classification loss (i.e. without weight decay) on the training data is 0.00756094647265 The classification error rate on the training data is 0.0 The loss on the validation data is 0.348293958302 The classification loss (i.e. without weight decay) on the validation data is 0.348293958302 The classification error rate on the validation data is 0.085
for size in [10, 30, 100, 130, 170]: print size a3.a3_main(0, n_hid=size, n_iterations=1000, lr_net=0.35, train_momentum=0.9, early_stopping=False, mini_batch_size=100) print
根据validation loss来看,最佳大约是30:
The loss on the test data is 0.364650620143 The classification error rate on the test data is 0.0872222222222 The loss on the training data is 0.00404192494518 The classification error rate on the training data is 0.0 The loss on the validation data is 0.317076694896 The classification error rate on the validation data is 0.078
for size in [18, 37, 83, 113, 189]: print size a3.a3_main(0, n_hid=size, n_iterations=1000, lr_net=0.35, train_momentum=0.9, early_stopping=True, mini_batch_size=100) print
最佳hidden size大约是37:
The loss on the test data is 0.309983607422 The classification error rate on the test data is 0.0794444444444 The loss on the training data is 0.0036007342029 The classification error rate on the training data is 0.0 The loss on the validation data is 0.285084100748 The classification error rate on the validation data is 0.067
知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享:码农场 » Hinton神经网络公开课编程练习3 Optimization and generalization